So I have been out of the dating scene for two years but 7months ago I decided to give it a try so I joined a dating website and ofcourse I met a lot of jerks. Just recently when I was about to give up on finding love, a friend I met on the site who we'd not spoken in like two months contacted me we started talking went on a few dates like he did really show interest . He proposed on us dating .He treated me ao good and he still ia. His intentions are really clear. And though I was hesitant about giving him my trust I decided to give it a try. My problem is he is not as good in bed like he doesn't match up to the experience I've had with other guys. He recently said he does not know how to open a bra (he's 26). I have tried to ignite the fire in me to make the sex good but I can't even get myself to kiss him. I know that sex shouldn't make me loose such a great man but what can I do to make this work. I am loosing interest really fast i am afraid to hurt him guys I just don't know what to do😣😣😣.