I'm further along than we though 😫😫😫 please help please

Chelsea • Oliver-James 19/05/2016💙 Harvey-Kai 27/08/2017 💙Darling husband 14/02/2013 💙 💋perfect💋
So after testing for like a week and half we got our positive the other day.bwe worked it out from my dates that I am 4 weeks 1 day. Last period was 11th-16th Dec. Just took a clear blue WEEKS INDICATOR. and it told me I am 3+ weeks pregnant. Well that means you are 5+ weeks pregnant.  What the fucks going on? Can someone help please. My mom had twins back in 2013 so I'm shitting my self.  If I was 4 weeks 2 days the clearblue should have shown up 2-3 weeks. Someone please helpÂ