Pregnant/miscarriage with iud

Anyone else out there get pregnant using paraguard? I went to the doctor last week because I had some!cramping and she said I was pregnant. Very early on - under 2 weeks. However, the past 3 days I had some bleeding. Dr said she believes I'm having a miscarriage. However, now the bleeding has significantly lightened and it doesn't seem like enough "came out" for a miscarriage. I have another test to check my hormone levels on Monday to confirm they're going down and I am in fact having a miscarriage but I wanted to know if anyone else had this experience and if you were in fact having a miscarriage or just bleeding? I certainly wasn't planning on getting pregnant but the idea of having a miscarriage isn't appealing either. Ultrasound confirmed my paraguard is still perfectly placed so how on earth am I pregnant? Anyone out there?