Just my ramblings for the day at 37 Weeks

Anyone not really "in the mood" but having sex to ty to get things progressing? I'm 2cm & over 50% thinned but not having reagular contractions, just annoying BH. Since I'm GBS positive, I don't have the option of getting my membranes stripped and he will only induce at 39 weeks, which I'm not going to do because if if I've had to wait till 39 weeks, I can wait a few more days. Also I don't like that date and don't want to specifically choose it for my son's birth. If he wants to come on his own that's perfectly fine--I just don't like the idea of choosing the date. So it's sex, walking, and an exercise ball for me. Oh and of course the nausea and vomiting. 😒 37 weeks today and time has slowed to a crawl. I'm trying to remind myself to be patient. If he hasn't come yet, I know he's not ready. And I don't want to rush it, but I also don't want to lay around either. I feel overwhelmed and stressed out which probably isn't helping. GBS positive means 4 hours of antibiotics and 48 mandatory hospital stay after baby is born. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but my husbands work isn't allowing him to take time off without using all of his days (so if he needs any time off for another emergency through the year, he's going to have problems and loose some benefits). So now my whole labor/delivery plans have to be changed. He's no longer going to be able to be there for the whole labor, just going to have to come when we are close to delivery, or his shift ends. Sigh...God please give me patience to wait on your timing. I know everything works out for the good of those who love you. I know you have a plan. I know I can't understand and probably never will, but I also know that you are in control and will never leave me or forsake me. You promised never to put more on me than I could bear--you must know I'm stronger than I feel right now, because I feel like I'm slowly breaking. Everyday seems harder. But everyday brings me closer to the life you created inside of me and the joy that is awaiting his arrival. Please bless my baby with health and strength these last few days/weeks he's growing inside of me. Please give me patience and grace to make it these last few miles of this journey. Bless my husband and our home. And please bless our labor and delivery to go smoothly. Bless all of the babies and momma's that are waiting with me. Help us to have the strength to make it the last mile of the way. 🙏🏼☺️