Awful stepmom rant😭😩


I'm due in 20 days with my first. I have a 5 and a half year old stepson. I feel like ive completely drove him away the past 8 months. I've been so bitchy and short tempered. I've tried to chill out but the closer I get to my due date the more stressed I seem to get. I love him so much 😭

But he can't tie his shoes (won't even try or want to learn)

Open the car door, its not heavy he just looks at me till I open it.

He won't lift lever to move the seat up so he can get in. Again he can do it but refuses.

When I ask him to go get his underwear or anything else following his bedtime routine he throws a tantrum until its done for him.

He only does this shit with me 😩 I normally don't give in unless we're running way late for school. But I always end up flipping out.

He's 5. WHY CANT HE OPEN HIS OWN DOOR OR GRAB IS UNDERWEAR. If he done this is everyone I wouldn't be as pissed but I'm constantly struggling with feeling like an awful mom.