Do I have a right to be mad?

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼
Right okay so this is a post about my car and my dad.
So I have a polo, had him (Gary) for 4 years. He's my baby and he's all mine, I pay for him and everything. I'm staying with my mum and dad for a couple of nights up in London. So tonight I've been out with my mum and a related (in a weird long way) friend. We just went to the pub and had some dinner but didn't end up getting home till late.
Where the cars are parked it's a street and so I park in front of the drive where my dads car is. So essentially yes I am blocking him in but he rides a motorcycle to work and everywhere so it doesn't matter. 
So back to the point. We get home from the pub which my mum drove her car so mine should've been exactly where I parked it. 
So I'm walking towards the house and my car and I'm staring at it. I couldn't workout what was wrong until the last minute. My car is facing in the complete opposite way to how I parked it earlier on. (Looking up the street where as I parked it downwards) so me mum and Jannine are trying to work out why the hell my car had moved. 
My dad basically took my car without me knowing and without so much as a text to  go and buy wine.
Yes, I blocked him in but he has always said to park like that as it's the safest place to park. He could've moved my car across the street and then used his car. 
I am angry about it. 1) he's not on my insurance 2) he took it without permission and 3) he knows I love that car with all my heart and it is MY baby. Am I really wrong in being this upset? A text or quick call to ask me and I oulsnt have had a problem but I feel like I've been violated in the way that someone took my car without me knowing. 
I don't let my boyfriend drive my car (which he's insured on) without me being in it with him. 
I might sound crazy but anything could have happened. What if he gets done for speeding or went through a red? That would come back on me not him as it's my car. 
I just wanna know if I'm being stupid by being angry as I am quite hurt about the situation. 
Thank you for reading and sorry this is long!

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