Help! Dont know what I am doing wrong

Lili • Geek Mom 😊

My baby was born underweight so I have to complement with formula. In week 5 the doctor said I stop and try to give him only breast. I kept the same routine: 15min each side + 5 min each side if I felt he was still hungry ( trying to compensate the extra formula we gave him) but he seems to be hungry all the time and cryied a lot.

But about 6 days ago I decided to go on demand, because I read it was better for babies and felt it will help for him not to be hungry.. Now everything is a mess... he doesn't do the succioning properly anymore, got very lazy and spend between 20 up to 40 min on each breast! After that he keeps complaining he want to keep eating! (Licking his hand mainly) I fight all the time for him to do it the rigth way and I am in pain because he is very superficial in the nipple. He sometimes eat every 2 hours once long eating of 40 min in one breast and 10 in the other, and other time 5 min on each;, and at nights, one day he can sleep 5 hours and others like today 1 hour only in between feeding, even when he got 25 min on each side. A day ago he had green poop, and now is yellow again.

I feel I loose control of it, and I dont know what to do anymore. My milk supply has always been "enough" and I have tried all the

advice to increase it: skin contact, pumping, tea supplements... etc. But still feel is not so much. :(

Help!!! What am I doing wrong??