Thanks babe... UPDATE

So my boyfriend, err.. fiancé has been making it out like he had this huuuuuge plan for proposing to me and than today he just handed me the ring box right as we were going to bed, his exact words "lemme just get it over with now the box is getting annoying" i feel like a bitch but all I want to do is cry. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful he proposed but I feel like I've missed out on a really special moment I'll never get back. and this was the re-proprose thing he was doing cause he thought the first time wasn't good enough, at least with the first time he actually said something to me... sorry I know I'm being ungrateful.

Ok we talked and he says he's going to do it again but I kind of don't even want him to... I feel like that moment has already been ruined and don't know how to tell him that without hurting him 😕