need help from a woman in Oregon/Washington area

Please read whole thing before commenting. My fience and I are getting married late march. He has cheated in the past but with counseling and a complete turn around on his part we have made it through and I believe he is being faithful now BUT there is still that small sliver that wonders if he is. I have kids from a previous relationship that loves him and considers him dad. We are all fully invested in this relationship. 
I would like someone to see if he verbally cheats. I just need to know for my own piece of mind like I said there is that small sliver and I need to go in with 100% clear that he is fully committed to me and the kids. It would help if it was someone in Oregon or Washington so you have an idea of the layout or towns. I do have an idea of how it will work. 
You can message me or comment and I will message you. I already know I will get rude comments on this but like I said I just need to know. Thank you.