bug/flu anyone

Jolene • Momma of a beautiful girl Kinsley Anne born Jan 18th 2016 and due with our 2nd girl Maddison Reece due May 15th 2017
Well hubby and I both had our flu shots, we just threw my daughter her first bday and idk why people think it's ok to come when they're sick, but my sister was sick and her whole family throwing up earlier in the week and now she has cold like symptoms. Ugh 😑 but thing is my daughter hasn't caught it yet, but she has been acting different not sleeping like she does! 
Hubby came home from work was throwing up and diarrhea and it's werid because this morning I was having diarrhea and as soon as he came home I threw up and still feel like I got more to do later! And I've already peed all over myself I want to sleep but my daughter will not that hAppen! 
Anyone else catch this bug? How long did it last?