Losing Weight and in 2nd Trimester

Okay Glow Mommas...I'm in my 2nd Trimester and I haven't gained a single pound. I've lost weight actually since I got pregnant. Doctor is not concerned, although his nurse was a little shocked the last time I went in for my 14 week check up. 
This is my second pregnancy and baby is growing and very healthy. In my defense, I haven't had much of an appetite. My 1st Trimester was rough. I had extreme food aversions, nausea, and even if I did eat I would be nauseous immediately after. 
A couple of weeks ago I was kind of back to eating 3 meals and snacks which I was so happy about. Now I'm back to 2 meals and like one or two snacks if I'm lucky - not on purpose. Just not hungry! 
Anyone else ever go through this?