"is he sleeping through the night yet" my most hated question! 😡

Why do people feel the burning desire to ask this EVERY SINGLE NAFFING TIME THEY SEE YOU?? 
Drives me mental! Almost like your ability as a parent is judged solely on whether or not you got your baby to sleep through the night practically since they were newborn.
No, my son, who is 6 1/2 months old doesn't sleep through the night. Yes, I get up and feed or comfort him back to sleep EVERY time. No, I don't let him 'cry it out'. Yes, I am tired. Stop frigging asking me that damn question!! 
Even more annoying when it comes from other parents when they should know there are a million and one reasons why a baby wakes during the night - to start with he was premature and we had to wake him every 3 hours to feed him, he is also breastfed and so digests my milk quicker than he would formula, he had quadrupled his tiny birth weight meaning lots of growth spurts, he is growing his third tooth, he little brain is developing at the speed of light...., he is learning to be more mobile, etc etc etc etc etc
He is a little human with a lot on his mind as he grows into a more amazing little boy every day.  If he wants or more importantly feels like he needs to wake up more than once in the night for a cuddle from mummy, then as tired as I am, I am going to cherish it, and remember that it's not forever and I am very lucky to have carried and delivered him safely to be able to have him wake me in the night, and he will sleep through when he's ready. 
Parenting isn't a competition. It's hard enough as it is without the world keeping score from one parent / child to the next.