Guilty or not?

So I have 2 kids one with special needs. Me and my husband have been trying ttc for about 5 months now. Here's the problem we have been fighting the last 2 weeks, everyday about things we shouldn't be fighting about. Nonetheless the arguments continue. Fast forward to last night......I didn't sleep bc my dog had a really bad cough which made me stay up all night so my husband and kids can go sleep without being disturbed. I told my husband in the morning that I stood up all night and he didn't seem to care. So we went about our day took the kids to school, dog to the vet I went to work and he went to his mother's house to take a nap. (Keep in mind he works midnight tonight till 6am). I told him at the vet office that I am so tired I just wanted to get home, help the kids with homework and go to bed. Just now as I am preparing to put the kids to bed he tells me that he wants to be Intimate. I seriously am upset bc he is rested where I am exhausted and just really tired from lack of sleep. P.s on top of working a fulltime job I have a night job as well. Help I don't know how to feel or act.