Relationship troubles post partum

It's really nice to go through all the posts about loving and supporting partners but sadly that isn't always the case for everyone.

Honestly the father of my child loves our daughter, she truly is the apple of his eye. The way he is with her and the way he watches her while she sleeps. I know he loves her.

With that said, I also know that he no longer loves me. Sadly things started taking a dip during my pregnancy and got worse after I gave birth. When our daughter was only 2 months old, I found out he was cheating on me. It tore me apart!

I have been trying to get over the event but I just can't. Things are so bad that now he wants nothing to do with me (mind you I stay at his place) because he says I will never let the issue go.

He won't talk to me and shows no respect towards me and definitely does not want to be with me anymore. And because he no longer wants to be with me he talks to me anyway he pleases. My tears are nothing to him anymore. I cry till I fall asleep until I wake up to more tears.

I am so worried about the kind of environment this is creating for our daughter. She is young but I feel like she sees when things aren't okay between mommy and daddy.

All I want is for my little girl to be safe and grow up happy. Where do I find the strength to leave such a toxic relationship, if not for myself then for my little girl?