
So this guy and I have been on and off doing stuff for about 6 months now. I knew getting into it that he was a bit of a man whore but I didn't care too much about that. But then he started doing things to make me care about him and like him for example talk to me about life and make me laugh and hug me goodbye. Well once the new semester started at school he started to invite me to do things with him but then he canceled for legit reasons. Then he comes over one day after class and he tells me that he really just wants to hang out and talk with me, we didn't even have sex. He even invited me to stay at his house like three times the next week because his parents were going to be gone.But the next day he gets really weird with me and barely talks to me at lunch. And the next week rolls around and he doesn't text me once about coming over. So he basically cancelled the plans without telling me. But Thursday morning he texted me asking about how to study for an exam from a class he knew I had taken before. Then Friday at 1 am he texted me basically saying thanks for putting up with the bullshit from him and the mess between us for the past year and thanks for caring about him. Then he said that he wasn't going to be apart of his fraternity anymore. So we had a little bit of a conversation about that and then he texted me another day asking about that class again. Now I'm just left in the dust and confused if anyone would like to help please give me some advice.