What next?

Hubby and I have been trying for a baby for 16 months me coming off depo and him having a vasectomy reversal. My periods have been fairly regular and have been <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> with OPKs the entire time. I was on clomid through my ob/gyn for 4 cycles. Nothing was happening so we switched to a fertility specialist. At initial appointment with him he said hubby's sperm was too viscous (this is from a semen analysis done in February of 2016 and never suggested another analysis be done). He was pushing for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> at that appointment, we said no so he put me on Femara. We did our post coital test today and now he says it is my mucus and it looks like I haven't ovulated yet even though my strip tests were positive earlier in the week. This is CD19 for me so it is getting late in my cycle (usually 30 days). Again he was pushing <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. We said we aren't interested in that at all. He told me "well we can keep doing Femara until you are ready to give up. I won't say you won't conceive naturally but it will be a long shot." I'm just so frustrated. It seems like he has one option he is willing to work for and that is it and he doesn't want to help us if we don't do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. Hubby is ready to quit trying and leave our family how it is. He is just going along because I want to. We have 3 boys so I know we can get pregnant (with no problems previously!) When leaving the doctors office today I asked about a trigger shot to help with triggering my ovulation and as an afterthought he said "oh yeah we may try that next cycle." I asked if there were any supplements that my husband of I could take and he said no. This cycle we tried mucinex (for me and him), fertile CM, Ovaboost and a fertility aid for him. Do we keep taking these supplements or save the money? What else can I do? What should be next in this process? I feel like I am working against the clock to get pregnant before hubby says "no more." Thanks for letting me vent and sorry this is so long.