After a looooong and emotionally painful 2014 - We are pregnant with our 2nd Bundle Of Joy

After a looooong and emotionally painful 2014 - We are pregnant with our 2nd Bundle Of Joy!!!!!!!
​I began receiving the Depo Shot in 2013. I had horrible side effects - one of which was an endless period.
​I would go two or 3 days with light spotting and then have consistent heavy bleeding the other 27-28 days out of the month.
​Stupid me, I listened to the clinic administering it when they said I needed to continue with the injections until my body naturally regulates itself. Which, never happened. My last injection (only rec'd a total of 2) was received in 2013 but I bled for an entire 9 months straight through 2014. 
​In Aug, my private Gyno performed an emergency procedure to help shed my weakened uterus lining - again, no relief.
​I have been detoxing since that procedure with numerous vitamins and herbs.
​Thankfully - the detoxing has paid off!!!
​as of 2/1 - I have a positive at home pregnancy test !!! 
​Beyond excited !!!! 
​I highly, highly suggest ALL women avoid the Depo Provera Shot as a method of birth control. Far too intense of a method with wayyy too many negative side effects/downfalls.
​Educate yourself prior to any appointment scheduled for this BC