
Do any of you struggle with the idea of working your whole life? I don't mean the occasional not wanting to go to work, but a deep-seated dread for working. I work full time, attend college, and have been the overachiever since I was 14. I graduated high school at 16, for heaven's sake. And I'm just... So over it. It's so hard to go to work every day. I could just cry every Sunday, thinking about how the work week is going to start all over again. I want to spend my time doing things I care about, you know? Things that will probably never make me money, but that bring me joy. My husband works. We might be able to make it on his income. But it wouldn't be very comfortable, and after growing up poor, he's very anxious about money now. And I have a great job. I'm poised to take over the firm in a few years. I'm just really having a hard time pushing through until then. 4 more years, 4 more years.... But 4 years is such a very long time when each day is just dreadful. Am I alone in this? Have any of you given up a fantastic career opportunity to not work, knowing that you'd struggle financially? My husband has always said he wants time to be happy and will support me no matter what, but I also feel like it would be unfair to him to not work when I'm perfectly capable of it. I just am so unhappy with it...