Sleep training is the best thing that has ever happened to me

Okay yall. I just recently semi sleep trained my son & let me be the first to say THANK THE LORD FOR SLEEP. By semi, I mean I still rock him to sleep, then put him in his crib. He has slept with me since he was born because we hadn't moved into our house yet and he didn't have a room, so it was just easier. I tried a pack and play in my room and he wasn't having it bc he still knew I was there, I tried letting the kid sleep ON TOP of me and nothing helped. I'm talking he was up sometimes 10 times a night. Never napped. He slept through the night maybe 4 times until last week. So we moved last Sunday and the first night I was like ok let's do this. Now, back to "semi sleep training". I rocked him to sleep and put him down, but when he cried I left him. The first night he woke up twice and I let him cry for 10 minutes, and he put himself back to sleep. 5 minutes the second night, and back to sleep. It got better each night and he is sleeping TWELVE hours now. Napping multiple times a day up to 2 hours. Yall. I could cry tears of joy. I was skeptical, but if your little one is having sleep problems TRY SLEEP TRAINING. Even if you have to make up your own way like i did. Crying won't kill them and it is so worth it in the end!