wanting another baby

I guess I just want to rant on here really, talk to all of you mummies. So I have a daughter of 7 months, she's my entire world, my little princess.

Myself and my partner have been discussing having another baby, a sibling for our daughter. I have endometriosis, ovarian cysts and some scaring - so after surgery to 'clean' everything up or try to make it easier to conceive it took us 7 months to get pregnant with my daughter back in 2015, October 2015.

So we've decided to start trying for another baby now, and have been sleeping together without any contraception. Mainly because we haven't a clue how long it'll take and would love as close age gap as we can.

however family or friends aren't that supportive and think we should wait until our daughter is at least 2 before we start trying. Other than my partner, parents and sister no one really understands and all seem to make horrible comments about how we should wait.

I feel like its up to us? so why can't they just be happy for us?