Seeking post (multiple) miscarriage relationship advice

Okay, in short I have had more than my fair share of MC, congratulations to all those who have beautiful babies that counter act my numbers to give all the stats I'm told about.  I'm not entirely sure if this belongs here, but I thought this topic heading was more relevant than the usual relationship one.
I can't get people I'm not attached to out of my head. I love my husband, he is my life, there is no way I would ever dabble in something that might hurt him.. But sex with him is now terrifying, I'm constantly in fear of getting pregnant, just in case.  I know I'm not handling this 'well', I mean who does right? 
I just want to know if other people have developed attraction for people you barely know, following a miscarriage (or a few), just because they're not in any way linked to your loss.  I'm talking strangers walking down the street, high school friends, actually anybody who I know for certain I would never ever want children with. 
Is this normal? How do I deal with it? I realise my husband and I are supposed to talk about everything, and for the most part we do. But this is all new territory for me and I don't want to bring it up and risk hurting him until I understand what my mind is trying to tell me.
Any pointers? Suggestions? Or experiences?