I'm going to lose it.

I've hit my breaking point and passed it. He will not sleep hardly at all! He's still thrashing around, crying, throwing up, screeching like a banshee every time I try to put him down. I'm covered in throw up and pee but haven't gotten to take a shower in days, much less brush my teeth. I've only gotten to pee once and that's because I held him while sitting on the toilet. I try to give him the 2oz they told me to and he SCREAMS! So I try to give him one more and then he throws it up. But then screams again. He lays there in obvious pain, clenching up, crying, thrashing around and his stomach gurgles worse than a grown man. I've slept 0-2 hours per night all week with only 2 naps thanks to my grandma, and I'm past the point of exhaustion, getting another migraine that I can't take my meds for (I'm EBF) and going fucking crazy. They send my baby home from the hospital when he's obviously still ill, put him on a feeding regimen that makes it worse, and he's plain miserable and in pain constantly. He has a doctors appointment today and if I don't get some sort of relief for my son I'm going to lose it. I think I know what's wrong with him, but no one is listening to me because I'm a young first time mom. They just look at me like they're trying to calm a frantic mommy when I'm trying to get answers. I've worked with infants for YEARS and I know this isn't just gas or colic so if someone tells me that again I'm going to throats punch them. Not only that, but I know my son. I can't handle the stress and I'm doing it myself because my fiancé is out of town on a conference and my mom is out of town on clinicals. So I get a few hours here and there from my grandma and she can only do so much, you know? I have depression and anxiety and this has brought on an onslaught of suicidal thoughts that I can barely even care to fight them. I'm just miserable and so is he.