Im Pretty Sure Im Pregnant

Kendra • Find your own happiness. Don't do what others expect of you. ~Baby Dust~

I've slept basically 24 hours and still want to sleep more. I'm constantly hungry. Seriously just ate lunch and thirty minute later I'm hungry again I've chosen to ignore this as it keeps happening. If I pee one more damn time I am getting my bladder removed! These damned faint lines on my tests need to get solid real quick because my obgyn won't run a blood test until they do. It's annoying as hell but I want to be pregnant sooo bad! Occasionally my boobs feel like someone stabbed them then the next minute they're fine. I'm really dizzy too. I'm also snotty and irritable. Idk I'm just so annoyed I already took a test today and it's so faint I don't trust it. Same as yesterday. Not to mention I have 7 days of positive opks. Like darker than the control line positive which is a sign of pregnancy. I don't have pcos. Idk why don't you ladies list your symptoms for me to compare please.

Update: these are my tests he sees them too but they aren't dark enough for his liking