Help !


Hiiii moms , i have a question for all of you.

My daughter she's 3 month and 12 days , during the day she takes cats naps , max 1h nap during the day. I try to jeep her busy when she's awake , like a put her on her pkayard and I play with her and all the toys etc.

She was going to bed for the night around 6 pm

And she used to sleep till 2 or 3 am ..

I feedes her then she goes back to sleep and then she slept till 7 or 8..

But now is going to be 2 weeks that's Shes waking up @ night every 2 hours I feed her and she fall right back to sleep , she doesn't drink all her milk tho she drink only 4 to 5 oz max. .

I don't know why she's waking up @ nights sooo much ...

I need help !

PS: first time mom