8 days old! β€πŸŒˆπŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ™πŸ»

Went out for one last dinner date (2/4) with my husband at Saltgrass. We checked into the hospital shortly after 6PM and I was wheeled down to labor and delivery. After getting situated, they inserted my IV (ouuuuuuch) and then my foley bulb/balloon. Both were super painful.Β 

Next they started me on cytotec. Within 20 minutes I was having some pretty strong contractions and having to force myself to breathe through them. Around 10:30 I asked for pain medicine and was given statol which helped take the edge off some. Roughly an hour later I requested my epidural, which I got around 12:30. Surprisingly the epidural was the easiest/least painful part! After my epidural they inserted my catheter and I absolutely felt that... and it HURT.

About 20 minutes after getting my epidural I went mostly numb and my pain was tolerable after that. After hours on cytotec my cervix had barely moved so they decided to try some positions to attempt to get my tiny pelvis and cervix to cooperate. At this point, Kellan (my baby) was not handling labor well and going into distress after every contraction. The nurse had to come in all night long and turn me, to try and regulate Kellan's heartbeat. So neither me, nor my husband, slept much. Cytotec was given to me several times throughout the night.

Doctor came in and checked me out at 8:20am and I was dilated to a 6! So she broke my water and we started. Unfortunately, after hours nothing had changed. And Kellan was slightly cockeyed, so my doctor tried to turn him. That was SO painful. And ended up not changing anything. So about 2 hours later, we decided to do a c-section as Kellan was still distressing.

When they got to him, my doctor said he thrust his arm and hand through my abdomen like "hello, I'm here!!!" 😍 When they pulled him out, his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck twice. Which turns out to be the reason he wasn't tolerating labor and distressing! He was being yo-yoed in my body and couldn't make progress. Within 20 minutes I was holding him and doing skin to skin. And it was the best moment of my whole entire life. I would go through labor a THOUSAND times over to have my sweet rainbow baby boy in my arms. This is TRUE happiness. ❀❀❀