Bad luck or Karma?

My fiancé has been having the worst things happen to him. He has lost his wallet (with cards, ID, insurance, money) in it 2 times in a month. He has gotten 2 tickets for not having his license (from losing it) and among other things, like getting hurt at work, just having bad days, etc. 
A little background info: we have a 1 year old and I am 1 month pregnant. Both times he has lost his wallet has been while he was out partying, which I feel is wrong bc if I can't go out, why should he. I keep telling him not to go out and every time he doesn't listen to me, something bad happens. Therefore, I don't feel the need to feel bad for him when bad things happen. Am I in the wrong for not being all like "I'm sorry all of this bad stuff happens to you" instead I'm like "one day you'll learn to take my advice" 
What would you do?
-EDIT- he did get a new license and then lost his wallet again. Then he had to drive without the license for work today & got the second ticket(lost wallet last night)