Valentines Day Test Results

M. • 👦🏼 👼🏻 👼🏻👼🏻
Hi Ladies!
I just felt like sharing but today my husband and I received our results for a number of different tests. We have been trying for 2 years, unsuccessfully. I was told via blood work and scans that I have PCOS
Fast forward along trying to manage that, still nothing just over a year later we head back and get referred to the fertility specialist. Terrified, I pluck up the courage to go when of course, "let's get you those tests again." *cringe*
So hubby has a few tests/scans, I have a few tests and scans. I've been working myself up making myself feel ill since the last test because the sonographer was asking what I thought at the time to be strange questions. 
We go in annnnnd.... hubby is good! Still just a slightly low count which we already knew though. 
She then pulls out my tests and first thing I notice is my scans report is significantly longer than hubbys. *dying inside* by this stage my head is buried into my husbands shoulder.... "uterus normal size... that looks good... ovaries are good.... just evidence of the PCOS which we already knew of. Blood work is good, no this no that... alright, well the next step is this..." I've been prescribed 50mg of clomid and primolut-n.
Guys, I'm so happy. Apart from 'you don't have PCOS', I really couldn't have asked for better news! ❤