Work related. :(

I just didnt know where else to vent or post, i feel like i always talk to my husband about this but need another opinon. At the moment i work for 2 companies, the first one i have worked for for 6 months now and the second only 1 month. I absolutely HATE my first job. I requested a change (i work on facebook managing the public pages for the company) 4 months ago, they keep pushing it off because they can't find anyone who is willing to do my job. They have hired 4 people in that time, but to them no one was good to run my page since it has more customer service than any other one. Im only staying because it pays, but if the other job gives me more hours, which they are, i should be fine. Ive never put up with so much crap from a company exept for this one because im afraid to leave. I have anxiety attacks every day (they just keep getting worse and worse :() and now im having really bad nightmares. I know these are all signes i should go, but would you guys wait it out or wpuld you just leave?