It's finally my turn to tell a birth story!

I've been stalking the birth stories for weeks, reading up on your experiences and awaiting my own! Here is the story of the birth of my Kendall Jeanette. 
I went to the hospital last night at 10pm with steady 3-4 minutes apart contractions. I was checked and only at 1 cm so they had me walk around for an hour. Hubby and I did the 10 flights of stairs to give us an edge! I was checked again and still only 1 cm and threatened to be sent home. However, my contractions were getting insanely intense and made it impossible for me to talk or walk. But because my pain was so low and not like normal contractions, they told me I wasn't in labor. I was moaning and grasping at every railing I could to breathe through the 2 minute apart contractions. I begged to let me stay another hour because I had a bad feeling about this. They let me stay and tested me for a uti because they could only think of this as the reason for my localized contraction pain. The pain made me shake, cry, yell out, and start to black out. The UA came back negative but they still couldn't figure out my pain issue. I asked to be checked again and I was at a 3 at 1 am!
I was finally admitted and given a full exam. My pain was the worst thing I had ever felt in my entire life and I was freaking the nurse out. I couldn't speak except to swear loudly, I vomited every contraction, I shook uncontrollably, and couldn't calm myself down. I got an epidural and everything was right in the world. My body finally relaxed and I could start to recoup. My hormones and stress from earlier still made my shaking uncontrollable but at least I wasn't in pain. I was able to get about 2 hours of sleep until the next shift came in. I was checked and at a 4 at 8am and when they straight catheterized me, my water also broke! Then I was a 7 at 9:30am, then finally a full 10 at noon. The nurses had me bear down a couple times to see if I had a proper technique. Apparently I was a little too zealous because they told me to stop bearing down and one ran to get the doctor. He came in, sat down, and said "let's do this!". In 3 full pushes, our baby was born at 12:32pm! It was SUCH a relief feeling her come out. She let out a tiny little cry and relaxed the rest of the time. She pooped all over herself but none was in her lungs. Her apgar would have been perfect if she would have cried more. 🙄
Kendall Jeanette was born 7 pounds 8.5 oz, 20 inches long, and the calmest newborn I've ever met. She has not cried the entire 8 hours she's been here. It's been such a relaxing rebound from a hellish night and we are so lucky. I am so in love with our squishy, soft, and snuggly queen.