Last resort c-section was the best decision I've ever made!


I was admitted at 7pm on Valentine's Day to be induced and at 9:15pm I started Cervidil. Next morning, I reached 2cm and about 80% thinned out. At 9am the Cervidil was removed and I showered. Started Pitocin at 9:45pm. By 10:30am, my doctor broke my water and I measured 3cm, 90% effaced. Begin active labor 😖😫 By 11:15am my Contractions reached 2-3 minutes apart and I got my epidural. Pitocin was increased every hour and a Foley catheter inserted at noon. I Couldn't feel anything, it was wonderful! By 1pm I was 5cm; 6cm by 2pm; then it took until 4pm to get to 7cm. My progression was slowing and I got sick so they gave me Zorfran. After 7.5 hours of labor, Around 6pm, I finally reached 8cm. By 9pm I was only at 9cm. At this point, my doctor thought the baby was too big to fit into the birth canal because she wasn't coming down. He gave me the options of waiting another hour and try to push her down (he doubted it would happen and she was too high to manually pull her down) or have a c-section. My anxiety was now through the roof. But Something in my gut said to just do the c-section. So, I went with the C-section. They immediately prepped me for surgery. As soon as the dr cut me open, he says "oh my god! The cord is around her neck 3 times!" Like my anxiety needed to be higher, my heart dropped. She wasn't blue, or in distress, she was actually perfectly fine! But if I had gone with trying to push her down, she probably wouldn't have made it. My original Birth plan (vaginal delivery with epidural) was out the window but I wouldn't have changed a thing if i relived the whole experience. 

Autumn Jade Hipwell arrived 2/15/17 at 9:24pm weighing 7 lbs 8 oz and 19 inches long