HELP! can't empty breast

I feel like I have a strange problem. I usually read about woman not producing enough milk, but I have too much. My little guy is 5 days old and when I pump I get at least 8 oz. I know, I know. I'm not complaining. But he obviously can't empty all of that. So is my only option to pump after every feeding? Anybody else have a problem like this?
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If you keep pumping your body will keep making it. Your body thinks the baby needs that much milk. I always over produce too. I am almost always tempted to pump but that just makes matters worse. If you don't have to return to work I say stop pumping and let your body regulate on its on. It will suck for a few days and be very painful/uncomfortable but it will pass. If you have to work and will need the stored breast milk keep pumping. 


Kristie • Feb 21, 2017
Thank you so much!! It feels like I'm sleeping on two boulders.


Br • Feb 21, 2017
No worries! You don't sound like an idiot at all. I am on baby #4 and each one has been different. I sometimes feel like I am new at this also lol!


Br • Feb 21, 2017
get in a hot shower and stimulate your let down. This will provide relief without putting to much demand on your boob.


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Just pump and freeze. Your milk production will slow in a week. Your body is still trying to figure out what enough milk is. After my milk came in I was engorged for about 2 weeks before they slowed down a bit. Take advantage of it while it lasts!