What kind of man do you have?

What kind man do you have? I have a goofy nerd, he doesn't look like one but once someone mentions something a little nerdy to him, he goes all out. He's a hard worker, 10 hours a day, 4 days a week. When we spend time together, he tickles me until I snort, cuddles me until I'm asleep, gets me my favorite drink randomly. I accept all of his flaws, and I will always accept him for who he is, not for his past, and I'll help him look towards the future. My favorite part is that he still does what he needs to to reach his goals, I he knows I support him, and he doesn't let anyone stop him from chasing his dream. Family means the most to him and that makes me so happy :). I guess I should shut up and let you tell me what kind of man you have. What's your favorite part about him? What bugs you the most?