emotional post

Angeli • 32 year old first time mom, married, therapist/social worker
I don't feel comfortable sharing these photos anywhere else, but I know you all understand.  Breastfeeding for us had a rough beginning and took a lot of work.  We did not give up.  We chose to supplement but she's about 60-75% bfed.  I can't say I totally understand the bonding aspect or that I love it, but I'm proud of my commitment and effort.  I can tell Hazel likes it best, that it comforts her and helps her rest.  I know I'll miss it a lot and cry when we are done.  I'll grieve it.  Most likely she will be an only child and my bf journey will be over.  It's only been 4 months and I want to get to 6 months at least
.  She's in daycare and it's been hard again. I hope I can keep going.  If you read this far in my rambling, thanks for listening.  I know you understand.