Pregnancy body is getting to me 😕

Alexis • Mama to a little boy & baby girl ❤️
I love being pregnant. I love feeling my little mans kicks and seeing his face on ultrasounds and everything inbetween. And up until now, I've absolutely LOVED pregnancy body, I'd never loved my body until I was carrying my baby boy. I loved my belly and I was at an all time confidence level. 
Until today. 
I noticed all the stretch marks that have made their way all the way down the insides of both my thighs. 
And my stretch marks all over my hips. 
And even on my left arm. 
And all of a sudden I'm getting sad and upset and I hate the way my body is looking. 😕
Has anyone else felt this way too? How can I make this terrible feeling go away? Because I don't want to feel this way at all :(