Rant about my own mom!

My relationship with my mom ever since I gave birth has been really shaky. We've had our ups and downs in the past(she basically checked out from being a mom and would put whatever man she was seeing ahead of us), but we were fine my whole pregnancy. She even would go out of her way to keep me company, take me out for lunch, go shopping.

She is a handful and thinks her kids and others owe her. She basically doesn't want to do anything for herself.

I think she had unrealistic expectations of my child. The first month or so, she would stop by if she was in the area for work, and be taken back that my daughter was eating or sleeping when she came. She even said at one point, that there was no point in her coming by if she wasn't gonna be able to hold her or play with her (granted, there's no way to play with a newborn 😐)

She talked about helping out with the house, but never laid a finger. She actually would come by at a time when we'd be figuring out dinner, stay and eat, and then leave right after, not even cleaning up after herself. One of the times my friend who doesn't drive came to see us and instead of waiting a few minutes to drive her to the train on the way home, she bolted, leaving one of us to have to drive my friend, while trying to get my newborn to sleep. It just would've been helpful is all. It's like she doesn't think of anyone but herself.

A huge gash was when my younger sister, who is a grown 20 some year old wanting to participate in a photoshoot in NY for some really well known blogger. My mom automatically flipped out on her. I ended up in the middle of it because my sister called me (either way I would've gotten a call). I told her she's a grown adult, and to do what she wanted, but to be safe, maybe have her bf go with her (at this point she was living at home because she was finishing up grad school). Well my mom turned on me, saying I just wanted my sister to be killed so I'd get whatever money my mom has in her will (I don't care about money at all), got my poor grandparents stressed out, by bringing them into it. My sister didn't end up going, she started looking into moving out asap, and I stopped talking to my mom, because shit, those things were hurtful. Of course my mom said I need therapy, because I shouldn't be fixing my own mom the silent treatment!

I swear it was at least a month of ignoring her, but at some point I just swept it under a rug. We didn't talk about it because there was no way any good would've come out of it.

We've been ok since. LO is 7 months now, so it's been at least 3 months since that incident.

She still has her moments. Like her coworkers kid was born a month before mine and also had a tongue tie. They decided to clip it. Well we brought the tie to the attention of the pediatrician, and since my daughter is gaining weight fine, she said there was no concern and that it will stretch on its own. I also have a tie, and other than not being able to stick my tongue out very far, I haven't missed out on anything. Well my mom recently brought this up again, and she needs to cool it with thinking we need to do everything everyone else is doing.

We're doing blw and she freaked out about it, and the fact that I'm not giving her cereal.

We recently got together with my dad, and he gave us some money to buy my daughter a gift. I told my sister while we were video chatting. She was at my mom's visiting and my mom was so quick to ask how much $. I told her it was none of her business. She does not need to know every single detail. Of course she goes on to act like a child about it.

My sister called me after she left saying my mom was saying I hate her, and my sister was saying my mom is sensitive. Oh well! Ugh! Sorry! If you're at this point thanks for reading this ridiculousness 😒🙃

I just don't even want her babysitting at this point. I feel like I don't trust her. She's always on her phone too, distracted by the Internet world