In law drama please help

Hope • 22. Married to my best friend 💍 MSD and LBD Major
So me and my husband have been buying pallets and trying to sale the things that come on them. We made a rule that if we did this we had to sale to our familes...we just couldn't give stuff away because we would never make our money back. Now we agreed however that would could drop the prices for the family. My family has bought everything and never asked to have prices dropped or asked me to give them anything. His mother makes more than my mom does and he has gave her a $100 dollar cabinet that we could have easily sold for $40 and gave his dad a child size game table that cost $100 that would could have sold for $45 more than likely. His mother stole silverware and dishes off us already thinking we wouldn't find out and I even talked to him about he said I talked to her hope chill out she will pay us when she gets the money. Am I crazy for thinking that it's absolutely insane that a woman who makes more money than my mother doesn't have to pay for anything and it's okay to just give to his family but mine has to pay for it all. His family also borrows $100 plus a month from us...and never pays us back.