Baby is finally sleeping... but I can't.

Amy • My first pregnancy!

So my daughter is 12 weeks old today. I decided to try to sleep train because she has no concept of night and day. It's actually working! She slept 9 hours straight last night!

My problem is that now I can't sleep when she is. I'm so exhausted but when I lay down my mind starts racing. I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night but I could have gotten 9 with her.

Has anyone experienced this?

I called my doctor and have an appointment on Tuesday. I don't want to get on a sleeping medication because I need to be able to wake up for her to feed her and everything. I just don't know what to do anymore 😢

Oh... and I've tried melatonin, 1/2 a benedryl, etc. It doesn't work.