My mom is picking up my baby...

So I had emergency surgery on Friday to get my gallbladder removed. I'm still in a lot of pain, and now I'm just overwhelmingly upset. I just got off the phone with my mother who is on her way to come take my baby home with her... the reason? Well, my husband doesn't know how to be a husband and apparently a father. I woke up to my LO screaming facedown into a pile of blankets, she had been there for a while as I am still unable to move around a lot, and it took me time to physically get up from the couch I've been living on for a couple of days. I did finally get up and was able to pick her up, even though I'm not supposed to be lifting more than 10 pounds. I managed to change her diaper on my own while she flailed and rolled around... and somehow breastfeed her. (Regardless of her sharp nails that she wants to dig into my skin). I'm in so much pain, and I need so much help, but my husband just sleeps right through it. He's completely useless, and honestly at this point I felt my daughter was in safer hands with my mother. I just wish that statement wasn't true... I'm fed up though, and honestly don't know how to show him the importance of taking care of his daughter who he has left in dirty diapers for hours on end, or in the same clothes for days... she hasn't had a bath since I had surgery... he's constantly laying her down for naps all so he can play the new Zelda game, and gets upset when she wakes up... I just don't know what to do anymore, any advice would help.... but for now, I'm going to be missing my baby as she will be safely with my mother.