Kourtney • mommy of two little aries boys ♈️ April 2018/March 2020 and twin Taurus ♉️ boys May 2022 As well as three angels 👼🏾 Expecting two new nuggets come may 2022
All my superstitions that I think of became true so now I'm convinced this is another. (Ex. When I would date someone in the past anybody I introduced less than 3 mos of being together we never worked out. But when I did we were together for a long long time) SO..
Here I am cd 63 and still no AF, my longest cycle ever was 62 days (im irregular, you know, just in case you didn't know) and every time I took a test in the past premature to 3 months I would get my period soon after I tested.. SO SOON.  So now I am convinced that if I go through 3 months with no period I will finally test and get a BFP. It's so hard not to test but I feel like I put too much focus in it and it won't happen. If I act like I don't care, I'll end up pregnant? I sound ridiculous. Anybody have any superstition they found to be true for them?  U think I should test? My last period was 1/4/17 I wasn't gonna test until April 😂😩