Started feeling crampy around 9pm

Sonja • 35. Momma to a beautiful caring quirky baby boy and expecting my second. It's a girl!🌸
Started feeling crampy around 9pm. Contractions set in 11pm, woke up throughout night but stayed in bed all night. 11am contractions got painful and my mom and I went for a walk. Started having to breathe through contractions after walk and texted daddy to come home at 3ish. He got home around 430 and had to do a few last emails. Lost my mucus plug and water broke around 630, had to run to car in between contractions and get to hospital. 15 min drive plus 15 mins in waiting room while screaming😂 up to room and at 9.5! No time for epidural. Pushed with each contraction and baby out 40 minutes later. Welcome to the world Talula Rain