I have been jelous of her love for him.

Cynthia • I`m 33 my Husband is 37 we have 2 beautiful baby girls, and have 2 fur babies. First daughter conceived IUI. Second daughter is a miracle.
I have been jelous of my almost 4 month old daughter's love for my husband. He is a wonderful dad and we tried for a long time to get her. I know he loves her just as much as me. It still was starting to hurt my feelings when she gave him her first laugh and most all of her coos and smiles. She is a happy baby and seems to enjoy my company but I am food and a servant. He is the one who she thinks is fun. Tonight however when she was having a bad time with pain from teething and he was trying to comfort her while I bagged up some of my breast milk to put in the freezer and prep her bottles for tomorrow. She just wouldn't calm down for him I walked I the room and she goes quiet just watches me. I go back to the kitchen to finish and she starts fussing again. I hurried up and finished and went back to the living room again she stoped crying and watched me. I asked if she needed momma and she quivered her lil lip in a frown and began to cry. I picked her up and she stopped and just kinda melted into my shoulder like finally momma has me it's ok now. I got teary-eyed. He may make her smile. He may make her laugh, but I wasn't just food. I am also loved I am the one that makes things better when she hurts. I am her comfort. ♡