My baby girl has arrived.


Regular contractions (10mins apart) started at 7pm. At 9:30pm they started coming 5mins apart. So, I called the doctor. DH and I arrived at the hospital at 10pm. At that time, contractions were 2mins apart. I was 4cm during my first cervical check. My contractions began to slow down to 8-10mins apart as I was laying there on the monitor. I got up twice to use the bathroom. While standing, the contractions were 1-2mins apart. Because of the difference standing and laying was making on my contractions, the doctor gave me the option to labor for a while at home or become admitted. Of course I wanted to stay. We walked to the delivery room. An IV was inserted. The doctor checked me again as soon as it was in. I was 7cm/100%effaced. I felt lots of pressure and I was trying not to pass gas until everyone left. Well, it wasn't gas I needed to pass. Doc checked me again and I was 9cm. I asked for pain meds through my IV because I was scared the contractions would start to come on top of one another as this is my 4th baby/delivery. After asking some questions and getting the computer set up, doc asked if I felt like I needed to push. I said "Yes", I need to go poop. She checked again and I was ready to push the baby out. They rolled me on my side and put an oxygen mask on me because things got very intense. I was busy holding on and centering my energy. Baby girl was out in 2pushes at 12:33am; totaling a 2.5hr labor experience from arrival to delivery. We are doing well and baby is nursing like a champ.

Welcome to the world R@inn N@yeli!!!