Feeling ugly...


Please read 😔

Sorry just need to talk to someone and hear some kind words... So I was diagnosed with major depression disorder since my freshmen year. I'm graduated and everything graduated in 2015... Anyways. I recently ran out of my depression,medicine and I've been feeling so ugly. I beat myself up on how I look. I look at myself in the mirror and see my face and just think why can't I have a clear pretty face, why didn't my stretch marks go away, and it doesn't help when my fiance says other girls are pretty (famous people) I know there famous but it still hurts my feelings.

I feel so ugly.. And unattractive... And just so ugly... I just cry and think I'm not good enough for him like I'm not good looking enough for him.... I'm just so disgusted with myself.... I only feel decent when I wear makeup other than that... I'm an ugly person.... 😔😭 currently crying...

He said something that hurt my feelings but he said he didn't mean it like that and I said... You make me feel ugly like I'm not pretty enough and all he said was take it how you want it, and laid back down like he didn't care.... I was crying also!

This is me with makeup and without.