extreme cramps and nausea during period, normal?

Hey guys. I am in desperate need for help. I have been having painful periods all of my life. I would ask doctors and all of them would say the same: it's normal. But as I've grown older my period symptoms have become worst. Or some symptoms have been added if you want. Like now I get extremely nauseas the days leading to my period as well the days on my period. I had never experience this before and no I'm definitely not pregnant. I exercise daily and intake a lot of water and barely drink alcohol anymore so my diet shouldn't be the problem, right?! Please help!! I have also been experiencing frequent( every 3 or so months) yeast infections with a somewhat sour smell. Is this normal? But I have been under a lot of stress ( that's when it seems to appear the most). Please help you guys. 
I'm 22 btw.