is it time to see a specialist?

Want to give a little background story,
I'm 21 my husband is 25. We have a daughter, she's one. We struggled a lot to get pregnant with her- about two years. I never went to a specialist or anything we always thought God will give us a baby when it's the right time. I had a lot of heartbreaks, month after month. But eventually we ended up pregnant. Well we decided we should start trying for the next baby. 4 months later still no baby. My question is, is it time to see a specialist? Maybe there's something wrong that we're not aware of. My husband doesn't like the idea. I feel like he doesn't want to because he's scared of what the results may be. 
I have very very heavy periods. I use a tampon AND a pad, because my tampon get full very fast. Some months I have very intense cramps that are almost as bad as when I went into labor. I read somewhere that it isn't normal to have such heavy periods. Now I'm just making myself a little more paranoid about all this.