MIL keeps telling to put my baby down because i will spoil her.

My baby is 5 days old and okay i honestly cant get enough of her . She only cries to be fed and goes back to sleep in my arms i dont put her down right away bc i like the warm feeling as i burp her but my mother in law catches me everytime and tells me go put that baby down youre going to spoil her , with my first i was the same but she grew up fine babysitters loved her and she never had separation anxiety or anything when it came to her school and what not . Maybe i got lucky but you guys think im spoiling her by carrying her a lot. If i am i cant help myself at all i feel as she needs me and im her mama you know 😓 
Sorry girls😥😓 the reason is anonymous is because i have mine and SOs family member on this app thats how i learned about glow through them and i dont want them to know i posted this .my MIl is an awesome person really but i just feel like i have to hide to carry the baby.