Where would I be without him?!


My DH has been nothing but supportive. When we found oit I was oregnant with oir second child, he changed. Started to help me more.. doing laundry, cleaning, being more attentive to our 5 year old and myself.

On Saturday I started bleeding and cramping. He rushed me to the hospital and stayed by my side. Held my hand through my pain and cried with me when after hours of pain and bleeding doctor gave us the news. He waited in the cold waiting room by himself in the wee hours of the night while I was getting a D&C. Took me home and woke up early to make breakfast for our 5 year old.

I dont know where I would be without his support through this difficult time. He has truly become my rock and my support. I realize how lucky I am to be married to him. Through this tough time I have fallen more and more in love with him because I see what an amazing man and father he is.