How can I stop her?

Uni B. • 💋 Mommy to a Princess 👑💛
I'm 17, senior in hs and living with my mother. I won't be 18 until August. My baby is due June 7th. I'm 7 months pregnant and my mom refuses to let me have a baby shower. She says it's because no one will come because I'm a teen mom. So she wants to wait until my baby is born and have a "welcome to the world party".. but u see I don't want that. I've accepted the fact I'm not having a shower and buying most of the things on my own. I tell her we're not having any celebration for my baby and she insists that we're having the welcome to the world party. I'm honestly scared she's going to try and force me (or take my baby away and to this "party") to have it! I refuse!! What can I do personally as a minor to not have this happen? 
P.S I'm refusing because why would the same people who feel some way about me as my child's mother, think they can smother my newborn baby? It just doesn't sit right with me. We're a package deal.