Not sure if this has already been a post. But To the women who have been raped and thought no one cared and that you're alone, you're not alone, there are so many women and even men that go through this. I was scrolling through Facebook and a video was post of 4-5 women telling their stories and why they didn't report it, most because they thought it was their fault, others thought they'd get no justice, the comments were just as horrifying, many left me in tears to see what women have to deal with and even what some of their kids have experienced because of what happened to them. 
To the strong women, who live everyday with their stories, you're not a victim at all, you're a warrior and survivor of the things that has happened. 
Its both irritating and sad how many women who have reported it, the cops or justice system has told them "it was your fault" or "there's not enough evidence to prove he/she done it." There was so many women in the comments that said when they told family, they blamed the person that it had happened to other than the person that done it. 
Many of them were terrified that if they told that everyone pretty much confirmed that what they was thinking, like that it was their fault, they let it happpen to them, and that's what you get for wearing what your wore, or even having  1 beer for a night, that it was their fault.
There was also women that had told their friends and their "friends" got mad called them "slut", "whore", or everything you can think of and left them even further in the dark. 
Others were harassed in school and their teachers or principal would tell them there was nothing they could do, even though throughout our times in school they tell us "school is a safe place", how are you supposed to feel safe in an environment that don't act upon something very sensitive and terrible. 
I do not have a story of my own to tell, and even if I did I wouldn't of been able to live with myself knowing people thought I was a play toy in certain people's minds, and the authorities agreed with it. 
I'm sorry if this subject, or anything I said hurt anyone, or offended them. Just know you're not alone in this situation, and I hope you get justice or got the justice you wanted. You're loved and cared by many and don't think other wise because you do matter. ❤