Copper toxicity with copper iud!!!

Cas • ✨
Hi! I got a copper iud months ago because I wanted a safe form of bc without the hormones, and so far the pros with it have outweighed the cons. BUT I was just doing some extra research on it the other day, and came across a forum of a SHIT TON of women who have have the copper iud and all got copper toxicity from it! The symptoms range from fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, depression, to even schizophrenia! Like this copper toxicity literally ruined a huge chunk of people's lives that they now have to spend years getting back together once they got it removed. Doctors don't tell you about this because they don't believe it's true, because there are no hormones with the copper iud so that "couldn't possibly be it", but all these women eventually had similar symptoms ALL with the copper iud. Copper toxicity is real and life changing and I am just NOW hearing about it! Ugh frustrating. Now I don't know if the pros outweigh the cons, and I am never going back to hormonal bc again, so I'm kind of in a rut and I don't know what to do. Advice/input/thoughts/comments on this & copper toxicity with the copper iud would be GREATLY appreciated 👍